Moore Logging is a leading provider of tree removal services for both residential and commercial properties. Our team of experts has the necessary experience, equipment, and expertise to handle any tree removal job, no matter how big or small. We understand the importance of removing hazardous trees to ensure the safety of people and property, and we work efficiently to minimize any disruption to your daily routine.
The decision to remove a tree can often times be a difficult one. Our Certified Arborist can help in assessing the integrity of the tree from the roots to the upper crown. Whether your tree is hazardous, damaging property, or you’re making a landscape improvement, our professional staff is prepared with the proper knowledge and equipment to perform a safe and efficient removal.
Our tree-chipping services prioritize sustainability, environmental responsibility, and client satisfaction. With our specialized equipment and experienced team, we ensure efficient operations and turn tree debris into valuable resources. Whether you require tree removal, debris recycling, land clearing assistance, we have the expertise to meet your needs.
Moore Logging knows the importance of proper tree maintenance, especially with the recent wildfires that plaque Northern California and other areas of California. Tree mastication is a process that removes hazardous shrubs and trees to ensure your property has a better chance of surviving a wildfire. With recent law changes regarding fire prevention and land clearing, it is essential to talk to a tree professional such as Moore Logging.
Defensible Space is your property’s front-line defense against wildfire. Creating and maintaining defensible space around your home can dramatically increase your home’s chance of surviving a wildfire and improves the safety of firefighters defending your property.
100 feet of defensible space is required by law.
Whether it's a fallen tree, hazardous limbs, or other tree-related emergencies, you can rely on our expertise to resolve the issue quickly and efficiently.
Here are some factors we examine to determine cost:
We work with you to make the tree removal process as smooth as possible every step of the way.
Copyright @ 2024 MOORE LOGGING, PO Box 771 Palo Cedro, CA 96073 (530) 561-5767